Friday, April 5, 2013


Making playoffs for the first time ever, USC Women's Rugby finally made it! Taking the fourth seed, this weekend the girls and I took to the pitch and battled our enemies with plenty leaving bruised, broken, and bloody.

Yea, we took last place in the playoffs, but hey! we got there and next year we plan on winning! One step at a time, and hell we had some fun and got to lace up the boots one last time.

Let's start from the beginning...Twas the last Saturday of spring break. Faces were stuffed, running shoes ignored, and long-neglected beds/couches reacquainted with. And then the phone call. We're in playoffs! We play two games this week! Practice resumes!


Don't get me wrong, I love rugby but I was getting used to the idea that the season was over. And I was eating like a fatass! And let's not mention how many times I "exercised" over the break. Anywoo, playoffs arrived and the two-day battle began. 

Night game against the best team in the league. Fans were everywhere! (I have never seen so many rugby fans in Socal in my life!) 7:30pm Kickoff. Why is there aluminum on this field? Coach says she won't yell at us, liar. I hope my headband stays in. First half: let's just not talk about this one. Second half: much better! the tries that were raining on us by the other team dried up and we had a lock, A LOCK, score a try!

And ah, this team seems to have cursed me, for I left again with a strained calf after playing them. Cursed, I tell you!

Other than myself, very few others got hurt on my team with just one leaving to the ER, stiff-armed in the jaw  =(

*Friday Night: R.I.C.E = rest, ice, compress, elevate, repeat! Thank you Jesus for my frozen mixed vegetables.


Afternoon game. 2pm Kickoff. Ugh, can I tell you how much our team hates playing in hot weather? Potholes we everywhere, and I stepped in a sinkhole during warm-ups! ANDD I found more aluminum! The hell?! Coach forgot about her promise yesterday. Trainer gave me the BEST wrapping job I've ever witnessed. Why is it so hotttttttt? First half: gruesometoughhotbitchesihatethemdirty. Second half: ughhateherwhenisitoverwherearemyplayers? disappointment, frustration, beaten.

More injuries today. Sprained hand, unicorn head, stitches mcgee, 2nd trip to ER in 2 days

Rugby Season 2012-13, over.

At least I'm still alive.

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