Friday, April 12, 2013

Team Night

Last night, I probably had the most fun I've had in a lonnnnng time.

And of course it was with my rugby girls =D

Every semester, the team holds something called, "Team Night" where the new rookies get inducted in the team. Now, I'm not allowed to give y'all the details but perhaps some vague generalizations? My English professors would be proud.

Staying true to rugby, the night started out with fitness. Squats, jumping jacks, sit-ups, and push-ups. Did I mentioned we still have injured players? Oh well.

Then, a friendly dip to get away from the heat! Sploosh, splash went the water, and to their excitement we had a fun puzzle for them too!

Next, we played a great game if I-don't-know-what-it's-called but it involved a tarp and someone not seeing, talking, on their feet, or using their hands all while they try to flip the tarp over. Team bonding at it's finest!


We were making such good time, that we even had a chance to visit some friends and sing!

Then it got all hot again so we went to the pool! Played a great game of telephone and had some more stuff to drink. We thirsty!

Finally, the night came to a close with some games, trivia, and most importantly, FOOD!

But what I really enjoyed last night was getting to know there girls. They're such a great bunch, so funny, and I'm sad that I only met them this semester and saw this side of them so late!

Oh well. There's always next year! Yeeee!

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