Friday, April 19, 2013

Back on that Grind

So, rugby season officially ended with the beginning of April and with this, so did my exercise regime.

I have seriously not run since then. I feel the atrophy in my arms and I swear when I did try to go run the other day, my side started hurting. It was 2 minutes into the run.

My life, it sucks.

How did this happen?? Yes, I understand that I haven't been working out like I was in season, but damn! Months of hard work GONE in a few weeks? Why is my life so hard?

Just when I  thought I was getting in really great shape, running with ease, doing push-ups like nothing, all of this comes crashing down to the big pile of fat that I now possess.

See, all of this wouldn't be so bad if summer wasn't coming around! I need to show some sexy skin, not overflowing muffin tops! AND if I'm seriously trying to play rugby in New Zealand where all of the top dogs play, I be trippin' if I think I can cruise on by panting all the while.

This pretty much sums up my life, before and after the season:

But it's alright! Today is a new day and I shall get back on that grind! Grrrr! 

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