Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Saddest Time of the Year

Well viewers, it's that time of the yet again. The time when friends separate, projects come to a close, and people that you've made relationships with will probably never cross paths with you again.

Yea, I'm talking about rugby season, but also graduation and even the end of this blog.

Rugby is always hard to leave. After weeks of spending your nights and weekends with some great ladies, when all of that is suddenly taken away from you, you at first are really glad. Thank heavens I don't have to deal with her shit anymore! and I was getting real close to starting some fights with my team members.

But then you realize, dammit those were all of my friends! Depression hits, and you take every opportunity to hang out with them, so happy just to see their face again. Rugby is a very intimate team experience, so it's only natural I love these girls and miss tackling them to the ground.

And then you realize not everyone on the team will return. Seniors will graduate and as college students, we understand that we may never see them again.....never see my sister, best friend, mentor again?? My heart aches just thinking about it!

Honestly, the only thing keeping me same after the season ended was this blog. It kept rugby going on in my life, and I was able to feed my cravings. And now you're telling me this has to come to a close too??

Now, technically it doesn't, but the likelihood that I'll continue through the summer is slim to none. But this blogging experience has really made me tap into my creative writing, and hey, maybe I'm not so boring after all!

Now viewers, I am not a senior so my rugby journey will still continue come next year. This time, in New Zealand! Yes, the hub of rugby, the All Blacks, rugby central!! I can't wait for that chapter in my life, and perhaps I'll take you along in my new blog. Perhaps.

Wouldn't change a thing this whole semester, loved every second, every struggle, and every person along the way.


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