Friday, March 1, 2013

A Social Bookmarking Match Made in Heaven

There are very few opportunities in life where another rugby enthusiast walks into your life. Yes, I play with a bunch of them, but damn near none of them are willing to express it through the web. Extra work: a true enemy to the rugger.

Which brings me to my point. "FuckYeahWomensRugby" is a tumblr that archives all of the "shenanigans" associated with rugby. From the love of beer to the fear of 300-pound women, this site has it all. Shown through "gifs," or short computer animation, one can cannot simply love rugby and live without this in their lives. Presumably a women rugger herself, she has thousands or followers, and she just KNOWS what it's like.

Here are some examples:

"A Trues Rugby Trophy is..."
Intense, righttttt? This probably hurts like a motha'fucker but hey, you'd get some street cred. I speak on behalf of the rugby community when the more, the bigger, and the darker your bruises the better, the cooler. Almost every girl on the team is jealous when someone else has a cool bruise, treating them almost as a sign of their self-worth. The idea is that if you have them, you went all out at the game, so in some way these "battle scars" are almost sought after as if everyone is attempting to be the next Odysseus or Achilles. Silly girls. 

"After your post-game shower, you end up for hours like..." 
You don't even how true this is! Pizza and towel and all! After every game, I just want food, a nice shower, and someone to rock me to sleep (yet to get that last one though).

Love rugby, love her. Best. Tumblr. Ever!

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